Welcome to the Bethlehem Methodist Church website. My name is Peter Goodhall, and as a Minister, I am delighted to be serving at Bethlehem. The church premises at Bethlehem offer a warm, light, comfortable, modern worship space, but, of course, church is not just about the building and the congregation at Bethlehem are a close family committed to serving Christ in the church and community as well as one another in love and friendship. Among our great team of lay volunteers are gifted worship leaders and people with audio visual skills who share in the planning, preparation and leading of weekly worship. But equally important are our door stewards who always ensure a warm welcome and our refreshments team who serve hot drinks after the service providing an opportunity to chat and build relationships. At Bethlehem, there is a strong emphasis on prayer and we delight in praising God through acts of loving service as well as Sunday worship. Our members are involved in a variety of ministries including the work of Open the Door (Jersey's equivalent of Open the book), Street Pastors and Prayer Pastors.In addition, some of our members are involved in Messy Church, Messy Vintage and Messy Bears based at the Philadelphie Messy Centre in St. Peter's Parish. We currently have two Bible study groups where we seek to understand God’s word and its application for the whole of our lives. One of the groups has a particular emphasis on understanding our Jewish roots and the group leader arranges bi-annual study trips to the Holy Land. We also have a concern for, and feel a particular call to pray for, the Persecuted Church. On the last Sunday of the month we have a more informal café style worship and there are regular opportunities for fellowship through after-church lunches, occasional quiz evenings, Beetle Drives and festival celebrations. In addition, we have our ‘Supper and Cinema on the Second Saturday, which provide an opportunity to enjoy watching a film together as a church family as well as sharing a meal beforehand. The 4Ss run from October through to April each year. Finally, if you wish to know more about any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be delighted to hear from you. You will find my contact details on our ‘Contact Us’ page. |